Talking about the future, this year is a challenge, for so many of us! It might be a professional one or a private. I don’t have a single friend around me who is not influenced by Corona.
As much as I personally enjoy to have a little bit more silence and to reinvent myself, I want to contribute to the future of my guild: all of us who are working with groups of people. Facilitators, trainers, HR professionals, Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters, Corporate Rebels, Team leaders.
Last Monday a huge inspiration fluttered into my mind, prepared by Thomas and Benjamin during our Facilitators Remote Café, which takes place every Monday since Mid of March.

The answer in my head is very clear: I want to be the wave, to move forward, relentlessly and fearlessly.
There is no sign telling us where to go

When we look where we come from and where we stand, it becomes more and more clear that there is no sign telling us where to go. It is the decision of each one of us to deal with the great uncertainty in the VUCA time and to shape our own path.

Test yourself: what do the possible trends in the field of consulting, training, moderation trigger in you? Are you looking forward to having AI as a co-facilitator? Can you imagine interacting with your participants only from home via screen?
I found an invitation to a Web-Parade (nice word!) from a group of colleagues, and many interesting answers to some questions concerning our Corona-presence and our future. Here are some brief answers from my point of view – happy to discuss those with you by a cup of coffee!
What does COVID-19 change for trainers?
At first glance, a lot changes. We no longer travel, we are switching everything to online media and questioning the meaning of our work.
At the same time nothing changes, or nothing should change. We are still us. Nobody has taken away our qualifications, our experience and our knowledge.
We still love what we do. We burn for what we do and we love to inspire our customers with our passion.
It’s just not that easy for us right away, because the damn technology is in our way. We are, staring at the square monitors, in our own homes, day by day.
What are the biggest challenges for trainers in dealing with these changes?
Now it would be logical to mention technology and relearning. But I think the biggest challenge is the one in our heads.
It is a change process, a transformation. There is a lot of new things for some of us. It’s only logical that we become emotional and do not want this new situation. At the same time there is the fear that our offers and services will be in such high demand online.
What is helpful in dealing with these challenges?
From my point of view it is helpful to connect with other people in this change situation. On the one hand, we can have a partner for our concerns and questions, on the other hand we can learn from other people how they cope with such situations.
The second helpful thing is to support others. It’s our core competence to ask good questions, to listen, to visualize and to stay calm. Who, if not us, can help our society flourish?
- There are so many ways to support others. It starts in our family.
- Then come our friends, our colleagues, our neighbors.
- The small stores in our neighbourhood, the market traders, the Italian around the corner and our favourite store on Etsy.
- Then – sometime much later – the contacts in social media. Here, too, we can support many: with attention, with reach, with recommendations and kudos.
What are the benefits of the changes for organizations and trainers?
We probably cannot yet estimate the benefits of this change. It will still take months, perhaps years, before this transformation no longer costs us the energy we have today.
Don’t count your games. Make your games count.
Maybe we will just learn that we have everything we need. It’s not the fancy technology that matters whether my training is good – it’s my ability to give the shy participant space and listen. It’s not about a new kind of method, but about what is actually implemented after a workshop. It is the impact, that count.
What should trainers be able to do to continue to be successful?
As a trainer, consultant, coach, moderator, advisor, companion, we work with people. I believe that the most important thing in this situation is to remain as human as possible and to keep your own vision – Why do I do that? – in focus.
My mission statement – for the reference – below.

I would love to connect with you to discuss this topics further. Please don’t hesitate to write me a message on any of the channels!

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